This evening I noticed that Noah and his wife (nameless) are riding around in a Fisher-Price TV van. This is from a Noah's Ark playset, of course. I think they may have some of the animals in there as well.
There is a statement there, something about religion and modern media and contemporary culture, but I have no idea what that statement would be.
In the meantime, I have a lot of rhubarb. Too much rhubarb. About six mature plants' worth. I inherited the rhubarb with the house, and we've harvested it thrice this season already. It would be nice if it weren't so cold, and then I could harvest something that isn't rhubarb.
Rhubarb has surprisingly few uses. Once you've made jelly, and compote, and pie, you're more or less rhubarb-ed out. It's one of those plants where a little goes a long way. And I have a lot.
From now on I think I am giving my children designated cups. This won't stop them from leaving the cups about. I will, though, have the opportunity to track down whomever left a given cup, and lock the offender in the closet.
Too bad I don't have locks on the closets.